Well the season is about to take off and so am I. Unfortunately I won't be around for the season opener. With a bit of luck, hopefully I'll be able to catch the Chivas match in NYC. I couldn't bear missing the first TWO matches of the season.
I will be returning back to the blogisphere on Monday April 7th. Until then, there will not be any updates. I have some things in mind for my return. I will first work to complete the player profiles for the rest of the players. When that's done, I have some plans to add some elements to all of the player profiles to make them a bit more robust. I'm also looking at ways to get more photos out there, and in a better searching and viewing format. So much to do, so little time.
More importantly, I'd like to hear from you. We've been at this about 3 weeks now. What do you like so far? What can be improved? How's the layout? What would you like to see now that the season is underway? I honestly do this for myself, but your ideas and suggestions will help me focus all of the ideas bouncing around in my head.
I hope to see numerous comments/suggestions when I return. Let me know your thoughts.
Most importantly - GO RSL!