- "Guest" player from Saturday's match had a mis-spelling in his name. It was not Michael Osci, or Michael Oscislawski. I believe it was Michael Osei, but don't quote me on that. He was only with the team for a couple of days, and not believed to be a trialist.
- There will be another player with the team tomorrow. His first name is also Michael, but I'll have to get the last name again and get back to you. This player is a trialist. I'll pass along more info as I discover it.
- The more I hear, the more I think that it comes down to Luis Escalada OR Rachid El-Khalifi due to salary cap constraints. Since I am hearing that the team likes the progress Escalada has made and since he is currently here with the team I assume that he will likely be the one.
- Raphael Cox reportedly looked very good in Saturday's match. Hopefully we'll see more of the same tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
After an eventful day in the skies, I arrived here in Charleston late tonight, massive headache in-tow. I was able to catch up on a couple of things: