Monday, December 21, 2009

PHOTOS: MLS CUP Rewind: “March to the Match”

Here is the first in a series of pictures that I took at the MLS Cup.  These have never been published before.  I will share them in a few installments over the next couple of weeks.  This first set is from the “March to the Match”.  For those not aware of this, the Sounders have a tradition of gathering at Occidental Park a couple of blocks from the stadium and marching together to the match.  On this day, RSL fans completely took over this march. 

It was one of the most incredible things that I’ve ever been a part of related to sports.  I was totally immersed in the middle of the crowd, but did try to run ahead and get a couple of shots from above once I made it into the stadium.  However, much of the crowd had already dispersed. 




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Shank It

Like Beckham