Are you like me and jonesin' to get your fix of the latest Real Salt Lake news during the offseason? Frustrated that you haven't even been able to find a kernel of info about what direction the team will be taking over the next 3 months? If so, you'll probably want to scour the web for info, even if it only serves as a distraction. Here are some of the resources with RSL specific info that I routinely check out:
Big Soccer: This is the one that's uncool to admit to following, kind of like telling your friends that you watch Desperate Housewives. The info comes a bit fast and loose and with alot of opinion dressed up as fact, but it's a great resource and can be quite entertaining. Clearly the preeminant source of soccer forums. The US version of this site is headed up by a fine soccer journalist, Greg Lalas (don't fault him for familial reasons). They are making a big push in the US market as seen by the hiring of talented writer and editor, Andrea Canales, as chief editor. Included on the list as they are gradually working to build a team-by-team focus with resources and coverage in each market. The site has assembled talented writers including Lalas, Canalas, Kyle McCarthy and Shane Evans. In addition, they have recently launched their own forums - check them out.
Behind the Shield: The official team blog. Good information, although at times it can be a bit slow to arrive. Also some entertaining stuff, as here you can find the regular editions of the Javi and Kyle Show as well as things like Scot Lake City.
AYL Soccer: These guys have been kickin' it with RSL info since early on. Has some good information, and some entertaining aspects as well. I especially love Double Talk and the Podcasts (or the RSL Show as its officially known).
Deseret News Blog: James Edward is the most respected RSL writer in the business and between him and Michael Black they provide good info to RSL fans. In the offseason, much of this will likely come in small tidbits via the blog.
Salt Lake Tribune Blog: I knew about Michael C. Lewis from his days as the Jazz beat writer, and I dismissed him as a basketball guy. While he is admittedly not a "soccer guy" he has really done a great job writing for RSL and I've particluarly been impressed with his work in the last year or so. Again look for most of his information this offseason to come via the blog.
MLSNet: The official RSL resource. This site is great for match information and game day coverage. You can also find roster info, schedules, and press releases on this site. Typically not the fastest site for breaking news, but a resource nonetheless.
Here are some other RSL related blogs that I would recommend, some of them updated more often than others: RSL Boz, Soccer Unites Utah, The Fans Scorecard, The Mind of Scads, Denz' Soapbox, Donk's Blog, RSLFM, Philosophy, Footy, etc.
In the next few days I'll provide a list of some of the general MLS resources that I like to use. In the meantime, please peruse these websites and especially give the bloggers some encouragement for the hard-work that they do that benefits all of us.
If I've left anyone off, please let me know.