Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Do You Youtube?

You may already be aware of this but Real Salt Lake has a Youtube channel (whatever that is). Check it out HERE. I suggest bookmarking it and checking it out often.

Also, if you haven't seen them, Kyle Beckerman and Javier Morales do a bit of a role reversal in these clips:

The Javi & Kyle Show:Episode 1
The Javi & Kyle Show:Episode 2

These are hilarious, I hope to see more of them.

You can also see Boz's, All Things Real Salt Lake channel. Especially check out the stadium construction shots. Nice work!

I hadn't seen these before, but here are some soccer tips courtesy of Chris Klein and PCTV.


And Punting featuring Jay Nolly and PCTV.

There's also plenty of game highlights and goals (most of them scored against us). Dig around on Youtube and I'm sure that you'll come up with DC highlights, Real Madrid highlights, Boca Juniors highlights and maybe even Dunseth's legendary first goal at Rice Eccles.